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Beste Guest,

Vanmiddag (18 november) vindt de Protiviti Internal Audit Innovation Award 2021 plaats. Houd onze website en LinkedIn in de gaten om te zien wie dit jaar de winnaar is. 

Helaas gaat het niet goed met de coronabesmettingen. Daarom hebben we besloten de RO Masterclass ook via een livestream aan te bieden.

De eerstvolgende events van de

IIA Academy

Algemene Ledenvergadering - 

13 december 

Als lid denk en beslis je mee. Jouw stem is van invloed op ons beleid

Uitreiking certificaat uitgevoerde kwaliteitstoetsing Signify

Thanks to the assessment team. The assessment was done efficiently. The dialogues were very appreciated by the team, and helped with benchmarking our Internal Audit function. Through this assessment, it gives reassurance that we perform our work in accordance to the IIA standards. I am pleased with the result and process.

RO Masterclass ook via de livestream

Helaas gaat het niet goed met de coronabesmettingen. Daarom hebben we besloten de RO Masterclass ook aan te bieden via een livestream. De locatie (Gooiland in Hilversum) is erg ruim, waardoor er 1,5 meter afstand kan worden aangehouden. Uiteraard nemen we op de locatie de maatregelen in acht en zorgen we ervoor dat de RO Masterclass veilig te volgen is.

Global Competency Research Report

A new Internal Audit Foundation and Deloitte global competency report reveals five key insights that every internal auditor, the world over, needs to know. Top findings cover foundational skills and competencies; critical technologies and emerging risks; and resource allocations

New! IIA Certificate Programs Available

The IIA’s Financial Services Audit Certificate and the IT General Controls Certificate are designed to enable highly accessible, flexible, and relevant industry-based professional development, regardless of job level, title, or years of experience. Through a self-study format, you can demonstrate your competency in a specific area and show proof with a certificate.

CPE - Registratie

Het is weer (bijna) tijd om je CPE-punten te registreren. Je ontvangt (binnenkort) een e-mail met een link vanuit IIA Global. Wij bieden je graag een handleiding om bij de registratie te helpen.

New 2022 CPE Policy 

For newly certified individuals, the initial CPE reporting period will begin on the date of certification and end 31 December of the following year. The revised policy, which also eliminates the credit granted for earning an IIA certification, will become effective on 03 January 2022.

EY IIA Touchpoint: Deep dive into ESG - 

1 PE

The EY IIA Touchpoint on 13 december will revolve around ESG. We will discuss definitions around climate and sustainability. Next we will provide answers on seveal questions for you as internal auditor. Finally, we will provide good practices on how the internal audit function take care of ESG in their annual audit plan of the organization.

COSO ERM Certificate Training - 23 PE

The complexity of enterprise risk has changed. New risks and responsibilities have emerged. But the COSO ERM Certificate program on 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 December keeps you risk-ready. The IIA Distant Learning program offers you 5 morning workshops to pass your certificate.

ECIIA Insurance Forum

ECIIA is organising the first edition of the European internal audit Insurance Forum with the European Insurance Regulator, which will take place on the 1st December 2021.

Andere nog actieve vacatures 

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IIA Nederland
Bevoegde vertegenwoordiger: IIA Nederland

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